
Enjoy the videos from my youtube channel (Bob McMichael). For best results, view in full-screen and highest resolution.

4 Replies to “Videos”

  1. Really enjoy your videos.I appreciate you taking the time to take a young man hunting with you. Some day he might be foung walking those hills with his own bird dog. You are a wonderful role model. Good luck hunting.
    Alan from Alaska.

  2. Man…you are giving that kid a precious gift that he will carry with him for a lifetime. My dad wasn’t a hunter but he loved to hike with our dogs. Today, years after he has gone I find myself hiking and saying “Well, dad, I’m still hiking. Thanks”.

  3. Hello from France , just a few words to tell you that i really appreciate your videos . You are very Lucky to hunt in such a beautifull contry .A good dog , a lot of natural birds , and a precious compagnon ….amazing
    jean luc from limoges

Chirp away

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